User Defined Options Setup

The following menu selections display this page:

eFinancials—Setup—Global Setup—User Defined Options

ePO—Setup—Global Setup—User Defined Options

Job Cost—Setup—Global Setup—User Defined Options

Contracts—Setup—User Defined Options

Inventory—Setup—Global Setup—User Defined Options

Use this page to create Option Lists that can then be selected in User Defined Fields Setup for an Option. An Option List is a set list of values that a user selects for a field of the Type, Options.

Option Lists are system-wide and not limited by the Entity, or PropertyiesCompany you are working with.

Refer to User Defined Fields and Options Introduction for additional information.

Fields Lists


ClosedTo Add an Option List

  1. Select Setup—Global Setup—User Defined Options. The User Defined Options Setup grid appears.
  2. Click Select and select an Item from the drop-down list for the location in the system where you want to add the User Defined Options.
  3. Use the Fields list above to help you complete the fields.
  4. Click Save.

ClosedTo Edit an Option List

  1. Select Setup—Global Setup—User Defined Options. The User Defined Options Setup grid appears.
  2. Click in the field in the grid that you want to edit. The fields and check boxes become editable.
  3. Use the Field list for help editing the User Defined Field.
  4. Click Save to save your changes.

ClosedTo Delete an Options List

  1. Select Setup—Global Setup—User Defined Options. The User Defined Options Setup grid appears.
  2. Click the Delete button for the User Defined Field you want to delete. A confirmation message appears.
  3. Click OK to delete the User Defined Field.

FAQ for User Defined Options

  1. Can I enter a new value in the Option List field and not add any values until later?

    No, you cannot add a list just by typing in the name of the Option List. You have to add at least one Option to the Option List and then you can save the new Option List.

  2. I added a new Options List (including at least one Option) and clicked Save, selected an existing Options List, and then tried to select the newly added list and it doesn't appear in the drop-down list until either the screen is refreshed or I leave and return to the screen. Why is this?

    The drop-down for Option List is only populated on page load. You can type in the new Option List name and the list will open in the grid for editing.

  3. When deleting an Options List (once it has been added with at least one Option), to remove the list, I removed the Options and then clicked Save. Why do I still see the Option List name in the drop-down menu, refresh the page and the option will not appear in the drop-down.

    Once you remove all Items in an Options List and save, you have effectively removed that list, although it is still listed in the drop-down—and can be reestablished if you want by adding Options to it again.

    Because the Options List is only populated on page load, you have to refresh the page by reloading it or leaving the Options List page and returning. Only then will the deleted Options List not appear in the Option List drop-down.

Additional Information

See Also

eFinancials Setup Introduction

ePO Setup Introduction